The story goes a little like this -. Ten Hundred got a call from Martian Toys asking him to come kick it in NYC as a special guest at their New York Comic Con booth. He agreed. Fast forward, on the first day at NYCC, Ten’s
January 1, 2022 •
Music • Views: 1993
There is absolutely no comparison to the murals or installations Jon143 has painted in New York City. The Byrd Gang 2.0 gate located on 113th Street is only a tiny sample to ‘Jon Pop Paints’ works of art.
July 26, 2021 •
Life • Views: 2047
LES Rooftop Legends emulates the total graffiti experience minus the train yard. It’s more than a lifestyle. It’s love and passion. Rooftop Legends brings it all together, past to present. True artists that share the same
Beyond The Streets New York took over Williamsburg, Brooklyn with monumental graffiti and street art from more than 150 artists from around the world. Beyond The Streets laced two floors on 25 Kent Avenue displaying numerous
The Lisa Project strikes again downtown. Woody Woodpecker is approximately one subway car length across the street from Keith Haring’s NYC apartment at 328 Broome Street. The Bronx mural graffiti legend John CRASH Matos told me
February 8, 2019 •
Life • Views: 3179
Boogie Down At The Zoo With TATS CRU (Behind The Scenes) Tats Cru, BG183 TATS CRU, Tats Cru Nicer, Bio Feliciano are pioneers of street art creating masterpieces at The Bronx Zoo. Powered By Windows of Hip Hop, Inc. View (Full
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