Comic-Con Is A Mega Meetup

Published on: June 28, 2018

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The New York Comic-Con is a mega meetup. Anything can happen, and anything is possible. Especially when utilizing because any super hero you possibly can imagine, most likely can be sighted walking around the grounds of New York Comic-Con.

The Experience feels like real magic, the energy is literally all around you at all times from entrance to exit! The fantasy is realistic, and pardon my French, but it’s fucking amazing.

People from all over the world plan year out to attend the world famous Comic-Con festivities. The magic spans out over 5 fun filled days. Traders, buyers, sellers, and of course comic hustlers. Yup, that’s right, there all over the con!

I personally look for original stuff from the 80’s, but this year I came across some funky new creators from Chigago, Slapass Creations. Pretty legit when you have a booth in the Javits Center. Solid fabrics, kick-ass colors, and down to earth people with real dreams.

The atmosphere is energetic and contagious, it’s the place to be, and worth every moment.

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